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Conflict of Interest Policy

Employee-Vendor Relationships


It is University policy to keep separate an employee's university and private interests and to safeguard the university and its employees from charges of favoritism in the acquisition of goods and services.

What is an employee-vendor relationship?

An employee-vendor relationship is a relationship between a UCSD employee and a proposed vendor that might create a conflict of interest. An employee-vendor relationship exists when:

  • An employee proposes to rent, sell, or provide goods or services to the University.
  • An employee owns or controls more than 10% interest in the vendor who proposes to rent, sell, or provide goods or services to the University.
  • A former employee proposes to rent, sell, or provide goods or services to the University.
  • A near relative or spouse of an employee currently provides or is being proposed to provide, goods or services to the University.
  • A near relative or spouse of an employee owns or controls more than 10% interest in the vendor who currently provides, or is being proposed to supply goods or services to the University.


If an employee-vendor relationship exists, the department must disclose it in advance to the Chief Procurement Officer. Contact a professional buyer for assistance*. A careful analysis of the relationship is required. The Chief Procurement Officer has sole authority to determine if the relationship is approved, and that approval must be granted before the university may execute a contract or purchase order.

Need an expert? *Contact Jasmine Montilla, (858) 246-3179.