UC San Diego is committed to the University of California's goal of providing suppliers with fair and equal opportunity to compete for business at all UCs.
What We Expect From Our Suppliers
Ensure a good working relationship with the University of California, San Diego by following these tips and guidelines.
- Refrain from offering gifts, gratuities, or anything that appears to influence purchasing decisions
- Keep us informed
- When specifications can be improved to provide a better performance, a longer-life product, and/or lower cost
- With your latest catalogs and current prices
- On backorders, plant closures, impending shortages, or strikes
- On company changes such as a new address, new contact information, new owner, etc.
- Of new technological advancements
Receiving a University of California purchase order carries with it the obligation to supply the ordered goods or services at the agreed-upon price, at the promised time, and without the need for buyer's intervention, renegotiation, or continued expediting.
UC San Diego Expects the Following from All Suppliers:
- Dependable products and services
- Delivery as promised
- Competitive prices
- No substitutions
- Good communication
- Timely resolution of warranty claims
- Compliance with purchasing, shipping, and invoicing procedures
What Suppliers Can Expect From UC San Diego
Integrated Procure-to-Pay-Solutions Strategic Procurement is committed to providing suppliers with fair and equal opportunities to compete for business with UC San Diego. We have six commodity teams responsible for transactional procurement and strategic sourcing initiatives that incorporate UC and local agreements, small businesses, and sustainability in the areas of Technology, Capital Equipment, Life Sciences/Lab Supplies, Services, Housing & Dining, and Facilities.
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.